Wednesday, June 15, 2011


  Sorry to all. This last week has been crazy. I will do just  a quick update.
 Not happy by it at all. We moved to get eli the help he needed and i found this great job and then out of no where no job. Humph. It is all good though we will make it thru this hurdle that has been put up.

The kids have met up with some kids in the neighborhood.  This is totally making things easier. They love to be outside and hanging out with kids there ages and simular interest. It sounds like they will be meeting lots of kids. Hopefully it will help the summer go by better.

The grandparents and elis last nurse came up for Bens birthday. It was really nice. Friday we had a very yummy supper. It was chicken and mango watermelon salsa. Saturday went out for lunch and hung out for most of the day. Sunday they left to go back to Wichita. We should see them all again on July 4th.

Jace had a doctors appointment and it went well heather really liked the doctor that she got in to. They are trying some other meds with him to see if they can get things under control. The doctor has also diagnost him with some kind of impulse disorder. All the symptoms fit him to a T. So we are trying more positive reinforcement and new meds we should know in about a week if they work.

Eli we got a call and was told that the results were in however his pediatrician doesn't know really what he is looking at. He says that he will be passing along the file to a genetics doctor and his neurologist. Dr. Shoffner wants us to come to atlanta to talk to him in person. The last time a doctor want me to come into their office i was told i was just a month or so away from cancer and i got lucky. So needless to say it doesn't put my mind at ease. We are not sure what we are going to do. We are just taking one step at a time. We will be getting the full report and reviewing it to see if we can make any since of it. We have a friend that has seen this 69 page document before so we are hoping  that she can make heads or tails of all of this information. My fear is that we will have to go to atlanta to get all of the information and understand what lies ahead for our family.

Lucky for us the kids don't understand what is really going on. We will obviously discuss it with them once we know more and what our next steps will be.

Heather and I are just trying to get all this information sorted out and trying to get everything taken care of. We have to figure things out kinda fast so we can get the best care for our little man. Also so we can move forward and deal with all of what is going on.  My post may not be as frequent as before. I am using alot of my time to job hunt and help put where ever I can. You know job hunting is a full time job someone once told me and i can tell you from experience it definitely is.

Smile and stay positive. Right now we could use all the positive thoughts and prayers that we can get.

Thanks to all will update when i can.


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